Yellow-headed Parrot

Yellow-headed Parrot, Amazona oratrix

Yellow-headed Parrot, Amazona oratrix oratraix. Bird photographed in the greater Los Cabos area of Baja California Sur, December 2019. Photographs courtesy of Dr. Tom Bartol, Carlsbad, California.

Yellow-headed Parrot, Amazona oratrix oratraix. A rescue bird that became a long standing bueno amigo raised from youth that gets into its bath which affords an exceptional photo op! Photographs and identifications courtesy of Julie McGhee, Oak Hills, California.

The Yellow-headed Parrot, Amazona oratrix, is a member of the Psittacidae Family of New World and African Parrots. They are fairly large in stature. From a conservation perspective the Yellow-headed Parrot is currently considered to be ENDANGERED with decreasing populations in the wild due to large consumption by the Pet Trade. In Mexico they are found in the coastal regions within the Atlantic Slope from Tampico, Tamaulipas to Tabasco, and within the Pacific Slope from Jalisco to Oaxaca at elevations below 900 m (2,950 feet). They are found in tropical semi-deciduous, deciduous and tropical forests, evergreen forest, and coastal shrub. They consume fruits, nuts and seeds.